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Music & Song Lyrics for Sale for Singers
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Hit the Ground Running
Legally license undiscovered radio-ready songs from A Song Paradise today. 

Writing a compelling hit song isn’t easy, in any genre. It is a time-consuming and challenging skill. The  lyrics and music we have for sale allows singers to focus on developing their vocals and performance without the pressure of songwriting. Essentially, A Song Paradise puts you on the fast track to a rewarding musical career as a singer. Instead of waiting around for their muse to inspire them so they can write and refine their own material, singers can buy original songs and jump straight into recording a new song, releasing it with the potential to gain momentum and build an audience in a shorter amount of time.  
Record them.  Release them.  Make $

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Choose your next hit.  Record it.  Optionally, you can even send your vocals to us to be mixed + mastered in Nashville, TN with an exclusive 70% off deal on vocal mix AND radio-ready mastering.  Exclusive to A Song Paradise customers only.    

Release your song.   We can connect you to a worldwide trusted top distributor that takes ZERO percentage of your royalties.   We even offer lyric videos and YouTube promotion for your song. 

High-Quality Music and Lyrics

The high-quality music and song lyrics for sale from our established songwriters gives you instant access to well-crafted and commercially viable songs, which can conceivably enhance the perceived quality of your vocals and performance. Investing in quality artistry, a professional mix and mastering gives you a polished and radio-ready sound, which further amplifies your credibility as a singer and gives you a competitive edge over others who lack the quality you get when you buy an original song from A Song Paradise.


Musical Exploration.

Yet another key advantage to working with A Song Paradise is the ability you gain to experiment with different genres and styles. Trying out ready-made songs allows you to carry your voice into new musical territories to discover your perfect niche and refine your vocal strengths while pairing your skills with the talents of our professional songwriters. With access to a wide range of original songs to buy, singers can create a broader and more versatile repertoire, broadening their appeal toward new, diverse audiences and potentially opening doors to new musical opportunities.

Your Bottom Line

Depending on the complexity and the needed components to perform and record a song, buying original music and song lyrics from A Song Paradise can be more affordable than hiring a songwriter or paying for studio time to write and lay down the tracks for original material. You also enjoy faster potential for monetization. Releasing music quickly can open the gates to access revenue streams through online platforms, performance opportunities, or even licensing deals. Sign up now to browse our catalog of music and song lyrics for sale and buy original songs from A Song Paradise!

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Private playlists will not be displayed or shown in search results, but you may choose to share them with friends and colleagues.

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You can copy your selected tracks to an existing playlist folder or create a new one.

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Public playlists will be displayed on the A Song Paradise website within the Featured Playlists area.

Private playlists will not be displayed or shown in search results, but you may choose to share them with friends and colleagues.

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Playlist status

Public playlists will be displayed on the A Song Paradise website within the Featured Playlists area.

Private playlists will not be displayed or shown in search results, but you may choose to share them with friends and colleagues.

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We'll be in touch to discuss your track customisation shortly based on your comments above


This track is licensed under the terms of your Blanket License Agreement with us.

You may only use this track in accordance with the terms of your Blanket License Terms and Conditions. Please contact us at if you require a different usage and we can easily and swiftly extend your licence either for your selected tracks or for your entire Blanket Licence.

Usage outside of the terms of your Blanket Licence is an offence and we reserve the right to take action against you.


This track was purchased on under our agreement

You may only use this music track under the terms of the Creator license agreement that you have purchased. Please contact us if you would like to extend the terms of your license or use the music track for another purpose.

Usage outside of the terms of your license agreement is an offence and we reserve the right to take action against you.


By downloading this track you confirm your agreement to the Try Before you Buy Terms and Conditions which can be found on the A Song Paradise website. Usage outside of the Try Before You Buy Terms and Conditions is an offence and we reserve the right to take action against you.


By downloading this track you confirm your agreement to the Instant Download Terms and Conditions which can be found on the A Song Paradise website.

Stems and Loops

Your account setting doesn't allow you to download stems and loops, please get in touch with the A Song Paradise team to purchase stem/loop files.

Bulk Download Confirmed

Your bulk download request has been confirmed and our servers are busy compiling your tracks and zipping them up ready for download. You'll shortly receive an email containing a link to download your tracks.

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Try Before You Buy

With our Try Before You Buy account, you can:

Simply download and audition broadcast quality music tracks

Try Before You Buy

As a current A Song Paradise client, you may contact us for a Try Before You Buy account. Try Before You Buy lets you download as much music as you like, with no obligation to purchase. Try out different tracks and synchronise with your production. Make your final track selection and only pay for the tracks you decide to use. No beeps, no annoying voice-over saying "copyright A Song Paradise". Simply download and audition broadcast quality music tracks.

Blanket Account Limit Reached

Sorry, you have hit the limit on your blanket account for this month. We set a download limit for security reasons. But don't panic! Simply contact your account manager or email to have your download limit extended.

Blanket Limit Reached

Sorry, you have hit the limit on your blanket account for this month. We set a download limit for security reasons. But don't panic! Simply contact your account manager or email to have your download limit extended.

Stem Pack Request

Please complete your details below and we will be in touch to provide you with your stem pack.

We'll be in touch shortly to provide you with your stems.

Track License Request

This track is available for licensing but we require your production details first before we can confirm your license. Please complete the details below and we will be in touch to discuss your license.

Monthly Download Limit

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Please contact us should you need further help!

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Please contact us should you need further help!